Jobs for social science majors


Have you ever wondered why people do the things they do? Enter social science. Broadly speaking, social science is the study of society and the way people behave and interact as a culture. It includes psychology, sociology and anthropology, linguistics and political science as fields of study. The short definitions of each field are: 

  • Anthropology is the study of humanity or patterns of behavior.
  • Psychology is the study of the human mind and behavior.
  • Sociology is the study of social behavior or society.
  • Political science is the study of political behavior.
  • Linguistics is the study of human language.

These disciplines explain how and why we think, feel and act as individuals and groups of people. Get comfy.


There are many branches of psychology, including abnormal, behavioral, clinical, child, developmental and social psychology, that provide insight into the research and practices of psychologists today. Here are some common jobs for graduates with a psychology degree.


addictions counselor, career counselor, general counselor, human resources specialist, lawyer, occupational therapist, physician assistant, probation officer, psychiatric aide, school psychologist, advertising manager, child care worker, lab assistant, market researcher, rehabilitation specialist, sales representative, social worker, teacher, writer, therapist, marriage counselor


Sociology majors learn to think critically about social problems and occurrences. By identifying problems that exist in the world around them, sociologists can create remedies based on qualitative research. 


advocate, behavioral health specialist, counselor, human behavior researcher, medical social worker, probation officer, social services director, social worker, sociologist, substance abuse counselor


Anthropologists seek to understand the human experience and complex issues. Current problems can be solved in part by understanding how humans lived in the past. The way people dress and communicate in different societies and interact in social relationships, as well as economics, health, education, law and policy, can help us better understand our own society. 


anthropologist, anthropology professor, lobbyist, historian, librarian, compliance manager, investment fund manager, regulatory affairs manager, politician, public health official, international development professional, forensic anthropologist, crime scene investigator, cultural resource manager, legislative staffer, natural resource manager, defense and national security officer, public administrator, refugee services administrator 

Political science

Political science is a branch of social science that explores, interprets and predicts political behavior within systems of government. PolySci majors study how to develop policy, conduct political research and analyze data.


Public relations specialist, politician, political scientist, political consultant, economist, paralegal, policy analyst, legislative assistant, attorney, intelligence analyst, political campaign staff, news reporter, regulatory affairs manager


Generally, linguistics focuses on the meaning, use and psychology of language. Linguistics majors study human languages and properties common to all languages, as well as the role of language in society. Since language is universal and fundamental to all human interactions, linguists aim to increase our knowledge and understanding of the world.


Lexicographer, technical writer, linguistics professor, forensic linguist, foreign language teacher, translator, editor, speech pathologist, speech therapist, accent coach, audiologist, speech recognition researcher, speech synthesis researcher, language data analyst