Guard against identity theft


Have you or has someone you know ever been affected by a data breach? Identity theft and corporate breaches continue to make the news, and it can be a long road to recovery if you don't protect yourself from hackers. What started as exposed emails, names and phone numbers has grown to include credit card numbers, Social Security numbers and addresses. While preventing such a breach might be out of their control, you can help your student stay on top of their personal financial information. Share these tips to help your student guard against identity theft.

Take advantage of free credit reports

Did you know that the Fair Credit Reporting Act mandates that the three credit reporting agencies — Equifax, Experian and TransUnion — provide you with a free credit report annually upon request? Find out all you need to know about free credit reports — it's your legal right to know.

A new way to stop identity theft

Bartenders need to know your age, retailers need your PIN, but few people actually need your name — except identity thieves.ID expert David Birch proposes a safer approach to personal identification that would almost never require your real name.