Professional licensure and certification
Professional licensure and certification information is provided per U.S. Federal Regulations, 34 CFR § 668.50 (2016 Rules), 34 CFR § 668.43 (2019 Rules), 34 CFR § 668.14(b)(32) and 34 CFR § 668.43 (2023 Rules) and in compliance with the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) Manual for academic programs reasonably assumed to lead to professional licensure or certification.
Arizona State University's academic programs generally are designed to prepare students to apply for applicable licensure or certification in Arizona where such licensure or certification exists. Completing an ASU program may not result in meeting the educational requirements for licensure or certification in any other state. ASU does not guarantee a student will be eligible to take or successfully complete licensure or certification exams. Additional steps such as background checks, examinations, fieldwork and more may be needed to acquire professional licensure, certifications or credentials. Students and prospective students are strongly encouraged to contact the state’s licensure entity where they intend to practice using the links provided to review all licensure and certification requirements imposed by the state of choice.
These disclosures also include information about available licenses and certifications that are unrelated to state-specific requirements. ASU has identified these credentials as private-issued licenses and certifications and has provided this information for convenience only.
These disclosures are strictly limited to the university’s determination in consultation with State licensing and certification entities about licensure and certification requirements and whether the degree programs, if successfully completed, would be sufficient to meet the educational licensure or certification requirements in a State. States vary in which professions are required to be licensed and how licensure functions. The terms related to licensure and certification, among others, also vary by state as well. ASU cannot provide verification of an individual’s ability to meet licensure or certification requirements unrelated to its educational programming. Some states require individuals to complete additional requirements that are unrelated to educational prerequisites.
These disclosures do not provide any guarantee that any particular state licensure or certification entity will approve or deny an application. Additionally, these disclosures do not account for changes in state law or regulation that may affect an application for licensure or certification that occurs after these disclosures have been made. Students should check the Professional Licensure material before registering for classes each session for the most up-to-date information.
Arizona State University is a member of the National Council State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC- SARA), which allows the university to provide distance education programs (both online and learning placements) and coursework to students located in states other than Arizona. Membership does not grant reciprocity or exemption from state professional licensing requirements. Licensing requirements in Arizona may not be recognized as sufficient to obtain a license in other states. ASU will notify students at the time of initial enrollment if it has determined that a distance education program does not satisfy the applicable educational requirements for professional licensure or certification in the state in which the student is located.
ASU shall not be held liable if a student is unable to qualify for licensure or certification in any jurisdiction.
Relocating to a different state after admission into a degree program may impact whether a student can remain in the degree program, meet the state licensure requirements and/or continue to receive financial aid funding. Prior to considering relocating, it is recommended that students contact their program advisor to discuss authorization and licensure eligibility requirements. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the institution of a change in physical location.
Licensure by college
Select the college/school and then the program.