
Contact an undergraduate admission team member

Undergraduate admission team member contact form


Answer the questions below so that we can connect you with the right representative.


Frequently asked questions


During the application process, you will be asked to enter all your courses and grades for school years 9 to 11 as they appear on your official high school transcript. You will also be asked to enter your in-progress courses for year 12.

At ASU, a transfer student is anyone applying for admission who has attended another college or university and has completed 12 or more transferable credits post-high school, at the time of application. If you are completing college courses while in high school you are considered a freshman and not a transfer student.

International freshman and transfer F-1 students may be considered for the New American University Scholarship, which helps with college expenses.

Contact our veteran recruitment coordinator at asuveterans@asu.edu or 480-965-5078. 

Contact a graduate admission representative