yuma campus

ASU at Yuma

BS in criminology and criminal justice

Sample class schedule and course descriptions

You may use the following sample class schedule as a checklist. This can help track your progress toward earning your degree. Courses are offered in a full semester format in the evenings at Arizona Western College’s Downtown Center. Classes will be held Monday through Thursday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Year one

Fall semester

CRJ 306
CRJ 321
CRJ 408
CRJ 409


Spring semester

CRJ 303
CRJ 461
CRJ 461
CRJ 410


Year two


Fall semester

CRJ 302
CRJ 308
CRJ 443
CRJ 443


* Class availability is subject to change.

Spring semester

CRJ 462
Upper-devision SB or HUM 
Solutions-based learning requirement


Course descriptions

CRJ 302 Research Methods

Analyze the validity and reliability of research designs and data collection.

CRJ 303 Statistical Analysis

Learn the fundamentals and applications of descriptive and inferential statistics.

CRJ 306 Race, Ethnicity, Crime and Criminal Justice

Understand minority issues in the criminal justice system.

CRJ 308 Advanced Criminological Theory

Critically assess criminological thought using original readings.

CRJ 315 Police Organization and Management

Review the structure, processes and behavior of police organizations.

CRJ 321 Imperatives of Proof

Explore the problems and means of establishing identity and fact in relation to arrest, detention, sentencing and more.

CRJ 350 Law and Social Control

Gain insight on the resolution of social issues through the application of law as an agent of social control.

CRJ 408 Drugs and Crime

Discover patterns of illegal drug use as well as the problems, practices and policies that are associated with drugs and crime.

CRJ 409 Police Accountability

Investigate police culture and training as well as police accountability to the community.

CRJ 410 Procedural Criminal Law

Study criminal procedures mandated by the U.S. Constitution.

CRJ 443 Community Corrections

Understand probation and parole and the types of community corrections programs.

CRJ 461 Domestic Violence

Research legal, historical, theoretical and treatment of domestic violence.

CRJ 462 Gangs

Examine the history and development of gangs; the nature of gangs and the criminal justice system responses.